People using laptops, iPads, phones, etc.

Recommended Equipment

Chrome, Firefox and Edge logos

Browsers & Plugins

Is your browser up-to-date?   Make sure that you have an up-do-date browser on all of the devices you plan to use for class. Canvas works with all modern, well-known browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

You can use to update your internet browser, or install a new one.

Note: What about Safari? Due to some performance and display issues, Safari is not currently recommended.

Mobile Devices

Using a mobile device? Canvas is also available as a mobile app for Android and iOS. Many tasks in Canvas can be done via the mobile app.

Note: if you are using the mobile app, some Canvas features may not be available; ensure that you have a computer workstation or laptop available if needed.

Other Software

When submitting documents, you will likely be asked to use Microsoft Word format. If you don't have a copy of Microsoft Office, Information Technology Services (ITS) provides students free access to Office 365. ITS also provides a virtual desktop, which you can use off-campus to access the same software that is loaded onto computers in the labs around campus.


There are a couple things you can do that will solve many problems you run into:

Still Need Help?

Click the Help link in the left-hand sidebar of Canvas to find out how to contact the 24/7 Canvas Support Hotline phone and text-chat support. 

Thanks for investing the time to ensure your technology is up and running smoothly.